
Spletna stran uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja spletne storitve, zbiranja statistik, deljenja vsebin na socialnih omrežjih in funkcionalnosti, ki jih brez piškotkov ne bi mogli nuditi. Z obiskom in uporabo spletne strani soglašate s piškotki.

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Naslovnica (izbor)

The door Natisni Priporoči prijatelju
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What is behind that door
I think every second more and more
It's worth to step through them
or shell I stay here where I am.

What can i do now,
my step is so slow.
I am sitting here
and the air is full of fear.

Will I find there happiness?
Will I find there peace?

I try to step through the door,
but I've changed my mind.
I can't, I am afraid,
afraid to step into the future.

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