Od brdavs   

V vsakem dihu,
pišu vetra,
kapljici vode,
letu ptice,
koščku sanj,
trenutku lepote,
solzi žalosti,

otrokovem smehu,
travni bilki,
kamenčku na poti,
čisto povsod
je del mene,
je del tebe, Tanja,
je del stvarstva.
O Bog.
Kakšno stvarstvo.



In every breath
whisper of wind
drop of water
flight of a bird
web of dreams
moment of beauty
tear of sadness
smile of a child
blade of grass
pebble on the path
is a part of me
is a part of you, Tanya
is a part of creation.
Oh, God.
What a creation.

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